September 1, 2011

Onto Try #3

I'm off for vacation for a few days and wanted to post quick before leaving. I've been terrible at commenting on your blogs--but I've been reading. I'm going to try to catch-up today.

Not much has changed in my world. I was a bit worried about the timing of ivf try #3 but it looks like it's all going to work out. I will hopefully ovulate while on vacation and will start my next ivf cycle in the middle of September if all goes well. In the meantime I'm on my constant diet and trying to lose some of this ivf/meds/infertility chub. I really, really hate dieting but it's definitely beyond the point of wanting to lose some weight and has headed into need to lose weight. Hope you're all well.


  1. Have a good time on your vacation, I am jealous: )

  2. we might be cycle buddies. our new donor should start her meds around then too... enjoy your lonv weekend and safe travels

  3. ha I think we're not going to be cycle buddies though. Hope you have/had a great break

  4. New reader here! We'll be cycle buddies too. I'm on my 7th IVF/PGD for a BT, and I turn 30 next week.

    We have an unbalanced 3yr old. he's super special, and the reason why i'm still trying after 6 failed cycles.

    Enjoy your vacay :)
