November 8, 2011

After 4.5 days of stims

I have 16 follicles in the running. They are all right around the same size 7-8. There may be more or there may be less--apparently it's difficult to tell when they are at this stage. Either way, it sounds like I'm at least at or above the results of my previous cycles. So, yay for that and may the follies continue to grow.

I also had blood drawn for my e2 levels. I'm not super concerned about them as I'm on gan.irelix this go round and from what I've read this can screw with e2 results. So far, so good.


  1. These are great numbers. I hope you get a good amount of healthy eggs this time! Fingers crossed.

  2. That is great news so far! I am keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well.

  3. Looks like we are in the same day of stims. Wishing you the best!!

  4. That is such a great number. I hope they keep growing! Hope all continues to go well.

  5. Yay! Fingers and toes crossed that all continues to look this great!

  6. Fantastic result... FXd for your follicles and sending you lots of growing vibes :)) Thinking of you as you head towards the next step xoxo

  7. Glad to hear it's going to well!!!

  8. Wow!! That's awesome - 16 follies!! And decent size too! Good luck.
