November 12, 2011

Milestone Passed

I am actually going to get to retrieval! All went well today. I've got a lot of follicles....I'm not sure exactly how many because I was so excited seeing them all I forgot to ask. I think it was somewhere around 16 plus about 7 more measurable but smaller. So, we'll see. Either way RE said this is not a good or adequate stim but an excellent stim (from lil old me)! Apparently my body just did not like the suppression from the long l.uteal protocols. One more follie check appointment on Monday and it's looking like retrieval will be on Wednesday!


  1. Yay! well-done making it to retrieval - thats a great number of follies! Good luck. And yay, again!

  2. Congratulations! That sounds very promising!!!

  3. Fantastic... great news :)) Grow follicles grow xoxo

  4. That is great news! I can't wait to hear how it goes!

  5. They finally fixed the problem! Way to go!

  6. yay, great news. praying you get a great number too.. praying this is your time and you kick BT'S butt..
    All the best. xx

  7. Sometimes it really is just about finding the right protocol for your body. So glad things are going well!

  8. YAY! Very exciting, what a great number of follies! So happy your RE found the right protocol, sounds like it was worth that wait! I will be cheering you on.

  9. That's great news all around!!!
