So, up until now I've been very careful to keep this blog as anonymous as possible. I mean, I'm sure family and friends could probably figure it out if they tried hard but in general I talk very little about my life. Now that I'm the P word, I find it's hard to come up with blog topics that aren't related to what I'm currently experiencing. Quite frankly, I don't want to spend all my time regaling you with tales of weight gain and gas. So, I'm going to slowly start talking a bit more about my life outside of IF. Hence, the blog title.
So, New York what does this have to do with anything? Well, we very likely may be moving there. Said moving would occur 3 weeks after my due date. Can you say eek! Added to this, we currently live about the farthest geographic distance away from New York possible while still being in the US. Can you guess where I live? I am so excited and nervous and multiple emotions. If anyone lives there/has lived there and has suggestions for where to look for housing or neighborhoods, I'm all ears. My husband will be attending school in Manhattan and I will need to find a job. We are seriously considering living outside the city in order to have a bit more room and save some money. Big changes are a coming.